Since 1993
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
I am a first generation American with an incredible love for this country. My mother came from Armenia after her home was burned to the ground. As a child, my mother told me vivid stories of Ellis Island, seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time, and a kind man on Ellis Island who gave her a sandwich!
My mother went to public schools in America and, with the help of a teacher, quickly learned to speak English. She went to work as a very young woman, which is where she met an Irish immigrant who was a World War veteran. That man – my father – fought with England alongside our soldiers in war-torn Europe.
My mother finished high school long after I was born. She was determined to work to help support her family and only finished high school by getting her GED years later.
I come from strong and determined stock. The American dream which my family and I experienced came with hard work, solid family members, and help from the community. I spent my life as a teacher and principal giving back to our community, and I will continue to fight for each one of you. I will make your lives and the lives of your children better, easier, and safer. I was a member of Governor Deal’s Child Protection Committee, wrote laws to protect your rights in hospitals, chaired a committee that kept our Senior Day Centers open to allow Alzheimer’s patients to age in place, wrote a companion bill to the HOPE Scholarship to help our high school students, and voted to cut your taxes multiple times.
Vote Valerie! I will continue to work for hard for you!

About Valerie...
Dr. Valerie Clark is a retired educator who will listen to you and serve as your voice in the Georgia House of Representatives, just as she did from 2010- 2016. She is a mom, was a teacher in Gwinnett County and then principal for Duluth Middle School, Shiloh Middle School, and Central Gwinnett High School. In her thirty-eight years in the field she was principal of a National School of Excellence and a State of Georgia School of Excellence.